Thursday, March 06, 2008

Guess Who...

Guess who made these comments:

****************: I believe in the father, son, and Holy Spirit, and I have felt the presence of the Holy Spirit on many occasions in my years on this earth.

Reporter: Can I ask you theologically, do you believe that the resurrection of Jesus actually happened, that it actually historically did happen?

****************: Yes, I do.

Reporter: And, do you believe on the salvation issue -- and this is controversial too -- that belief in Christ is needed for going to heaven?

*****************: That one I'm a little more open to. I think that it is, as we understand our relationship to God as Christians, it is how we see our way forward, and it is the way. But, ever since I was a little *****, I've asked every Sunday school teacher I've ever had, I asked every theologian I've ever talked with, whether that meant that there was no salvation, there was no heaven for people who did not accept Christ. And, you're well aware that there are a lot of answers to that. There are people who are totally rooted in the fact that, no, that's why there are missionaries, that's why you have to try to convert. And, then there are a lot of other people who are deeply faithful and deeply Christ-centered who say, that's how we understand it and who are we to read God's mind about such a weighty decision as that.

Reporter: And your attitude toward the Bible about how literally people should take it.

*****************: I think the whole Bible is real. The whole Bible gives you a glimpse of God and God's desire for a personal relationship, but we can't possibly understand every way God is communicating with us. I've always felt that people who try to shoehorn in their cultural and social understandings of the time into the Bible might be actually missing the larger point that we're supposed to take from the Bible.


Robert said...

At first I was going to say Einstien because it reminded me of an interview he did with similar questions. The answers didn't go towards his way of thinking though.

So then I thought more about what subject matter you might have been reading about when finding this interview. Going political. I know what McCain thinks and it doesn't match. It's not Huckabee.

So that leaves Obama or Clinton. I'd lean toward Clinton due to the response to "And, do you believe on the salvation issue -- and this is controversial too -- that belief in Christ is needed for going to heaven?"

Probably way off because of my assumption of what I think you'd be reading about. Let me know!!

Bryan said...

Since you are the only participant, I guess I should tell you -- it is in fact Hillary that has been moved by the Holy Spirit.

Robert said...

Total lucky guess. It was her non-answer, back and forth response to the belief in Christ = Heaven. A vain attempt to win some of those Southern states that have been escaping her grasp perhaps?

Was there a prize involved by the way?

Liz said...

I'm glad you answered this. I've been coming back every night to see who it was. I was curious, too!

m.d. mcmullin said...

My guess was Whitehouse City Councilman Larry Reeves.

Liz said...

LOL!!!!!!! Ok Bryan, time for a new post! It's June 18th!