Thursday, September 27, 2007

Elmo Supports Huckabee

This is post 2 of 2 today. Be sure to read both -- 1 about Huckabee and the other is not. I am going to make a deal with you. I promise to post one non-presidential post for every presidential post.

Thought this was a funny video taken last year when Huckabee was Chairman of the National Governor's Association. Elmo throws his support to Huckabee. Elmo a republican? Who knew?

Christian Leadership

The following is a quote from a blog I was reading this morning by David Becker. I thought it was good enough to share:

"In our world of Christian congregation, we take consensus and vote, and give leadership to those who usually have enough time on their hand to volunteer. Often in churches, leadership is bestowed on the men who have the least trouble with their kids and finances. Even then, to hold these selected “leaders” accountable in every detail of their life for the last twenty years would leave us with very few leaders.

As we enter into these last days, it is essential that we focus on the leadership development of those people chosen by the LORD God to assume those positions. Leaders of God are not chosen by vote nor volunteer. Leaders of God are made by Him, and given the wisdom and skill necessary to complete the tasks at His Will. Unfortunately, most congregations today are focused on developing the fellowship and finances, and fail to recognize the critical need to uphold the leaders. If we fail to help develop their presence and practice of our leaders chosen by God, then we are going to be in trouble in the days to come, as world forces continue their move against the Christian Faithful. It is vital that we bring our Christian leaders to their full potential, able to use the wisdom that God grants them in the spiritual things, as well as the ability to protect their position among the natural things."

Monday, September 24, 2007

I know, I know

This is getting out of hand today, I know. Three posts in one day for me? That has to be a record. But, I was just appointed a "Blogger for Huckabee", got to sit in on a web conference with him, and now post this one last blog for the day asking you very nicely to please click on the following link:

This will accomplish two things:

1. Let you know more about Mike and
2. Get me a cool Huckabee t-shirt :)


Does your faith define you?

The following was written by Gov. Huckabee and posted on his website this morning. I usually don't post twice in a day (read the post below), but felt this message was important enough to post. His words speak better than mine would so I have chosen to reproduce the statement here:

Recently, out on the campaign trail, a voter asked if my personal faith informed my decisions. My answer was simple, just as it always has been: my faith is my life - it defines me. My faith doesn't influence my decisions, it drives them.

Real faith makes us humble and mindful, not of the faults of others, but of our own. Because of our faith, we become less judgmental in that we see others having the same frailties as ourselves. Faith gives us strength in the face of injustice and motivates us to do our best for "the least of us."

Our forefathers birthed this great nation in a spirit of faith - not a mandate telling us what to believe, but an acknowledgement that divine providence pervades our world.

I firmly believe the greatness of our nation then, does not come from our government or politicians, but lies in the hopeful, optimistic spirit of everyday Americans. Americans who acknowledge that providence has set us apart.

At the beginning of our nation we were ill-equipped for revolution, yet we persevered and gained our independence. Our country was once divided by a costly Civil War, but we survived to heal and build a stronger union. Through the 20th century and into current times we have seen great conflicts and economic upheavals. However, the same spirit that guided the inception of our country continues to lead us out of times of trouble better than we went in. In spite of our trials we remain a people of hope, a people of faith, and we are stronger because of it.

In July, I addressed this same topic in a sermon in Little Rock. The video from my sermon is below.


It's not often that I blog about really religious matters. I purposefully try to stay away from it for a variety of reasons. But, over the past week I have experienced and witnessed something that has really bothered me to the core. And, it did not directly effect me, so I don't know why it has bothered me so much. Without getting into the specifics about what I witnessed, I will simply say that it involved a case of refusing to submit to church authority. Pastor X told Congregant Y to do Action Z. Congregant Y out and out told Pastor X that he or she was not going to do Action Z. And, please quit trying to figure out who I am talking about. It is not obvious and is probably not who you are thinking (i.e. a certain children's pastor).

So, all weekend I have been thinking about "church authority" and when a person, if ever, should outright refuse to submit to church authority. I am sure some of my readers will have their own opinions on this matter, but my feeling is that church authority should always be followed SO LONG AS the authority figure are (a). telling us to do things which are within their sphere of authority and (b). are following the commandments and not "against" anything set forth in the Bible.

The Bible aslo states that God establishes the authority and to disobey the authority is to disobey God. If a pastor tells me to do something, and it is in line with what I know about the Bible and God and is within that pastor's sphere of authority, I hope that I will comply and submit to the authority. Now, obviously if my pastor was a cult leader, I would not submit. If my pastor was preaching against the Bible and twisting Biblical law, I would not submit.

As Spiderman would say, with great authority comes great responsibility. (Hebrews 13:7 and 17). I believe pastors will one day have to account for their actions and their guidance. That is a resposibility I know must of my pastor friends take seriously and a burden I would not want to carry.

Those who know me know that I enjoy children's church and Wednesday night children's services. Now, if my pastor told me he was led by God to discontinue all children's services and have all the kids go to the adult service, I would simply find another church where children were important if it was that important to me. I would not outright refuse authority. Who am I to say God did not tell my pastor that? (Don't read into that either -- it is just an example).

I know this is not fully developed, but I am not writing a term paper so I think I am excused (hopefully). You may want to add to this or tell me I have lost my mind. That's okay, too.