Monday, April 17, 2006

I'm Back

After taking a little break, and being inspired by certain things and people that shall remain nameless, I decided to post again. Things are still kinda crazy around here. Royal Rangers is pressing on with attendance hitting an average of 45 kids the past two weeks. My back has been mysteriously healed which has really helped. For those that don't know, I was told a few weeks ago after a series of tests, including one where they send electricity through your legs and an MRI, that I had lumbar stenosis. I was put on pain pills and told that there weren't a whole lot of options besides surgery. Well, about a week and a half ago, the pain pretty much disappears. With the exception of a sharp pain every once and a while, I am back to normal.

Other than that, Addyson's sick with the nose gunk and I have court in the morning (feel free to come, Mike). Lots of other stuff going on, but more on that later.


m.d. mcmullin said...


He's back! And your back is back!

Robert said...

A much welcome return!