Thursday, March 09, 2006


I think I am going to be on hiatus from the blog for a while and let my life calm down a bit.

I had some x-rays of my back done on Monday have an EMG next Wednesday to determine if I have a herniated disc in my lower back. Something is touching my sciatic nerve making me have severe pains up and down my left leg. An EMG is not fun (lots of needles), so pray for that. The good news is that the blood pressure medicine seems to be working.

I also have Royal Rangers starting up at church in 3 weeks. I still need about 3 leaders, so if you go to RH and know of anyone that would be interested in helping out, let me know.


Robert said...

Your blog will be missed. I look forward to it's return. I'll be praying for the back and for your new children's program at church. I know it will all be great!

Anonymous said...

Papas Sighting...