Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Surprising Survey Results

The following is from the Associated Press. I don't think I really put much trust in these results, especially given the fact that we can't put the Ten Commandments in the courthouse, pray in school, etc. If only all 94% of those that believed in God also believed in the wrath of God, maybe then God would be welcome again in our society.


A new Gallup survey released today finds that four decades after the "God Is Dead" controversy was first noted, Americans retain a strong belief in a higher power. Some 94% think God exists.

Only 5% feel God "does not exist" -- and even most of them "are not sure" of that. Exactly 1% are certain there is no God.

But how strongly do the believers believe? Nearly 8 in 10, in fact, say they are "convinced" God exists, although Gallup does not ask them why that is.

Conservatives are more likely to be convinced than liberals (87% vs. 61%), women a little more likely than men (82% vs. 73%), and residents of the South more than those in the East (88% vs. 70%).

Surprisingly, some 61% of those who seldom or never attend church are nevertheless convinced that God exists.


Anonymous said...

Interesting poll. The question is, though, how many of those people worship/follow God? Even Satan believes in God.

The book of Revelations states that while many know God exist (no doubt through the many judgements that he brings down during that time) they still refuse to worship/follow Him. Revelations 9:20-21 states "The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood - idols that cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their sexual immorality or their thefts."

It is good that so many people 'believe' in God...but it is truely sad that despite their acknowledgement of God's existence, they might still be lost.

...boy I sucked the fun out of that poll.

Anonymous said...

Also, its a fact that 64% of all statistics are made up...thus 4 out of 7 polls could be falsely generated at a ratio of 8:4 when put agaisnt the 78% of teen males who spend 2/9 of their day watching television...

m.d. mcmullin said...

I have heard similar numbers concerning the decline of true atheism. Most who 'believe' in God are not just talking about a Judeo-Christian God. It includes all faiths and philosophies.

I remember growing up in Church and hearing about how the great enemey of the church was atheism. It seems to be waning as more people would consider themselves "spiritual".

This is great news for the church. Our job now is to let our let shine and let the Holy Spirit draw in those who have moved toward him but not yet fully accepted him.

The Edge Church Think Tank: 1% of Americans: "Certain There Is No God"