Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Should this be Controversial?

Merry Christmas from Mike Huckabee. This commercial began running this week and has caused a big stir over Christianity and its place in politics. For those that are offended easily, there is both a cross in this video as well as a subtle reference to the trinity (look at the lights).


m.d. mcmullin said...

wait a second...does this mean Mike Huckabee is a Christian?

Bryan said...

How dare he, right? Like we had no idea. Someone on one blog said Mike should have said, "I sure would like to wish you a Merry Christmas, but I might offend someone."

Robert said...

I posted this on my blog too. Its a real big deal up here in the NE. My thought was what would the reaction been if he wished everyone a "happy hanukkah" or something other than Christmas.

The great thing is, Huckabee has little money and his small commericals are getting sooo much more press time than the other canidates. Smart!